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The Battered Rower - ithoughts

iRow,  ithoughts,  itworks   if,   ithinks !!!


The forward / introduction is  free  to download

The commencement of 38+ Chapters,  yes ROWING  ' Isims ' by 'The Feathering Ferret' 

For too many years the expectations on rowers, coxswains, coaches and administrators continues to take its toll. The attrition rate is far too high due to pushing  them beyond their limits, physically, mentally, financially etc.  So the Ferret wants to provoke thought along these lines.  Not to reinvent the wheel but lubricate it a little. Hence these chapters will  hopefully take us to play in the puddle and not keep diving head first into it year after year.

The Ferret has some new and old, some crazy ideas if you dare open the lid and take a peep to help you to live a life more passionate about rowing,   e.g.    The measure of success?  Are school rowers just fodder?,  What is a force curve?    We can,  Row better not harder!!!

The Intro  -   P4     ' The Chicken or the Egg   '  Fifty eight years in the cooking. By chapter 6 you may see the light. Hopefully we can setup many new rowers before their neuro-muscular  programming is 'set',  to be another .....BATTERED ROWER  

Confusing for some but how does one prioritize rowing's  many skills,  equipment set-up  etc, to row efficiently  with P4  perfection?

The Ferret's ideas are just that.  P4 once understood,  works to eliminate boat stop and promote boat speed , yes, at the 'catch'

Contents:   Introduction  -  P4     ' The Chicken or the Egg   '

                    Chapter 1       -  P1    P------

                    Chapter 2       -  P2    P----

                    Chapter 3       -  P3    P-------

                    Chapter 4       -  P4     P--------

                    Chapter 5       -  Not  On An Erg  [   nearly ready  to go  ] 

                    Chapter 6       - Legs, Legs and More Legs !

                    Chapter 7       - MK   Ultrar              

Some would want the ferret skinned as for uttering these thoughts!!!


ithoughts =  it - hyurts  . Eliminate the crash, smash,  bust and  thrash with your rowing

Model: TBRowerINTRO
Released  24th July 2018. Once your download has been activated , go to your account > downloads  to access.NO Sorry,  nothing related to,   who's the chicken on the Erg or the turkey who put them there.The first Chapter of-   The Battered Rower.     '..
Model: TBRower1logic
The logic is in here, although it may take some digesting.  Expanding on P4   with reasoning and exercises to get you on the way    to 'rowing on silk' . Without posture the blade cannot connect and accelerate to boat speed without, as most are told. 'connect with the l..
Model: TBRower2pitch
This Is an out of the box look at pitch  to offer rowers some thought provoking ideas  of why pitch is important to boat movingOnce your download has been activated , go to your account > downloads  to access.The Second  Chapter of-   The Battered Rower. By the: ..
Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited Model: TBRower3Position
This Is an out of the box look at rower , boat and oar/s    to offer rowers some thought provoking ideas  of why position is important to boat movingReleased  15th Oct 2018. Once your download has been activated , go to your account > downloads  to access.NO Sorry, &n..
Model: TBRower4Place
Released  24th July 2018. Once your download has been activated , go to your account > downloads  to access.NO Sorry,  nothing related to,   who's the chicken on the Erg or the turkey who put them there.The forth Chapter of-   The Battered Rower.  Placement  By ..
Model: TBRower6Legs
The  Feathering Ferret has a slant on Leg Drive and questions, what drives/propels the boat  Giving time to think about where we set a foot stretcher for the rowers' height [ We are setting things back to front ]All chapters are free to download . We need to rethink  how we move our b..
Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited Model: TBRower7MKULTRAR
The  Feathering Ferret has a slant on reprogramming  a rower's or crew's  required  timing  movement . Once programmed this technique can become very useful as Coxswain calls during a race Giving time to think about a coach says and how an rower interpret the request can res..
Showing 1 to 7 of 7 (1 Pages)