Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited
Model: 1-Minature Oar custom painted
A replica miniature oar hand-painted in your choice of club/school/university or country colors & design. This is our standard oar: Oar length 475mm Blade (Spoon) 80mm x 38mm. Black tapered carbon look-a-like shaftWhite sleeve and black buttonWooden handleAvailable as either bow/starboard or st..
Model: 1-oar specifications [ Item not for sale ]
Miniature Oar/s are available as Bow/Starboard and Stroke/Port.This is our standard oar: Full oar length 475mm &nb..
Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited
Model: 1-Minature oar one color
A replica miniature oar unpainted [with finished clear coating]. You have a choice of 14 base colors Size - Oar 475mm long, Blade (Spoon) 78mm x 38mmOne of 14 base colors to select fromThis miniature oar is available as either bow/starboard or stroke/port side, please specify when orderi..
Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited
Model: 1-MSOPainted
A replica miniature SCULLING OAR hand-painted in your choice of club/school/university or country colors & design. This is our standard oar: Sculling Oar length 425mm (Sweep Oar is 475mm ) Blade (Spoon) 68mm x 34mm. Black tapered carbon look-a-like shaft -357mmWhite sleeve and black ..
Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited
Model: 1- MSOunpaint
A replica miniature sculling oar unpainted [with finished clear coating]. You have a choice of 14 base colors Size - Oar 475mm long, Blade (Spoon) 78mm x 38mmOne of 14 base colors to select fromThis miniature oar is available as either bow/starboard or stroke/port side,&nb..
Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited
Model: Paint Oar DIY
Miniature Oars and Sculls - Paint Your own
A miniature oar /scull you can hand paint yourself.
Designed to replicate a real oar/scull including wooden handle, molded collar and white sleeve.
Choose: Sweep or Scull
Stroke side / port, Bow side / Starboard or a pair
Blade / spoon ..
Showing 1 to 6 of 6 (1 Pages)