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NEW .  Check out : The Battered Rower     First chapters are now available

All Rowing, to include - tips on moving you boat, Training,  Articles,  Ebook [The Battered Rower ] ,  what you're not being told or don't know,  lymericks, poems , songs and more.

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Model: TBRower4Place
Released  24th July 2018. Once your download has been activated , go to your account > downloads  to access.NO Sorry,  nothing related to,   who's the chicken on the Erg or the turkey who put them there.The forth Chapter of-   The Battered Rower.  Placement  By ..
Model: TBRower6Legs
The  Feathering Ferret has a slant on Leg Drive and questions, what drives/propels the boat  Giving time to think about where we set a foot stretcher for the rowers' height [ We are setting things back to front ]All chapters are free to download . We need to rethink  how we move our b..
Brand: Oarthentic Oars Limited Model: TBRower7MKULTRAR
The  Feathering Ferret has a slant on reprogramming  a rower's or crew's  required  timing  movement . Once programmed this technique can become very useful as Coxswain calls during a race Giving time to think about a coach says and how an rower interpret the request can res..
Showing 13 to 15 of 15 (2 Pages)